Welcome to MoMoPEZ - Your free online PEZ database

Dear Pezhead, dear PEZ collector

Here is the online ressource for PEZ collectors.

Database items:10115
Pictures: 7847 items with pictures
20520 public pictures in total

Brief feature list of MoMoPEZ

If you have any questions regarding the project, please send us an .



Latest Images
PEZ - Pudding  37gPEZ - Pudding  37gPEZ - Scented Bath Bomb  StrawberryPEZ - 1959 VW Beetle cab truck USA Model  PEZ - Ugly Christmas Sweater
PEZ - Presenter Girl  Santa Hat / Light Skin TonePEZ - Presenter Girl  Santa Hat / Dark Skin TonePEZ - PEZ Treats Pizza  Year 2023PEZ - Target  Truck - Red cabPEZ - ACE Hardware paint can 2024 Truck - red cab
PEZ - Christmas Tree  string of lights, with play codePEZ - Candy Moon  CM-A 01PEZ - Candy Moon  CM-A 01PEZ - Happy Hearts Valentines Twin Pack  Hugs & KissesPEZ - Bunny Full Body
PEZ - Snowman F beenie and scarf, with play code, bright whitePEZ - Amy  PEZ - Ball  USA FlagPEZ - Popcorn  PEZ - PEZ Candy Mascot  Red, White and Red
PEZ - PEZ Candy Mascot  Red, White & BluePEZ - 1969 Dodge L600  PEZ - cm / inch ruler bear yellowPEZ - cm / inch ruler smiley light blue

Latest Dispensers/Items
PuddingPEZ - Pudding  37g
PuddingPEZ - Pudding  37g
Scented Bath BombPEZ - Scented Bath Bomb  Strawberry
1959 VW Beetle cab truck USA ModelPEZ - 1959 VW Beetle cab truck USA Model
Ugly Christmas SweaterPEZ - Ugly Christmas Sweater
Groom New Year 2025 
Groom New Year 2025 
ACE HardwarePEZ - ACE Hardware paint can 2024 Truck - red cab
Presenter GirlPEZ - Presenter Girl  Santa Hat / Light Skin Tone
Presenter GirlPEZ - Presenter Girl  Santa Hat / Dark Skin Tone
Candy MoonPEZ - Candy Moon  CM-A 01

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